Many colleagues and students after teaching or lectures; They repeatedly ask a coherent, clinical and practical source; Therefore, the purpose of writing this collection of books is not writing like reference books, and the sum of my experiences, studies and findings have been expressed in simple language and with a therapeutic approach, so that my dear colleagues can provide appropriate treatment for patients when necessary by referring to the required topic. do it yourself
The present collection, which by God’s grace is the result of more than a decade of my study and practice; It is definitely not a substitute for specialized courses or other reference books; Rather, it is a guide to serve dear patients.
This book along with the teaching files (theoretical and clinical topics) is provided in the form of a compact disc as an attachment, and due to the lack of necessary efficiency, it cannot be prepared and made available on its own.
It should be noted that careful consideration of the explanations provided in the attached teaching files; It is necessary for the optimal use of the comprehensive book collection of principles and clinical principles of cosmetic dentistry.
Another unique and very important point; The way of presentation and sequence of the book collection (principles and basics of clinical-restorative and aesthetic dentistry) is; Because it directs and guides the patient’s need to receive beauty treatments according to a regulated procedure and framework.
- according to this; In the first volume, we evaluate and pay attention to the patient in terms of any caries and possible pulp treatments, and we treat posterior teeth with caries, class Π and V, and occlusal wear (class VI).
In this volume, the practical role of glass ionomer and types of light cure devices are also explained.
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