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Ten important points of dental hygiene; From the harmfulness of the electric toothbrush to brushing too much

In order to have teeth that shine like pearls, we have all kinds of oral hygiene products in our house, such as toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash. But when it comes to oral health, dentists consider some of our care methods to be harmful.

Nadia Zakalund: Top dental experts say that millions of people around the world are destroying their teeth without realizing it with wrong habits that they think are useful. Below are 10 bad habits that you might think are correct.

1. electric toothbrush

Yes, you may wonder why an electric toothbrush is bad for your teeth. Of course, it must be said that if you do not use this technology correctly, it is harmful and does not benefit your teeth. When using an electric toothbrush, you only need to hold the brush on your teeth. If you push it, the bristles will bend and won’t be able to clean your teeth. So whenever you get an electric toothbrush, take it to the dentist and ask him to teach you the correct way to use it.

2. Whitening toothpastes

Abrasive toothpastes, such as bicarbonate or whitening toothpastes, are harmful to teeth. These abrasive materials will wear down your tooth enamel and in the long run your teeth will become dark and sensitive. When the tooth enamel is lost, the dentine underneath, which is amber in color, is exposed. Therefore, use these whiteners for a very short time so as not to expose your teeth to damage.

3. Quick wash after brushing

We all use water to brush our teeth immediately after brushing. But this removes much of the fluoride from our teeth and minimizes its effectiveness. If you want to rinse your mouth after brushing, use an alcohol-free mouthwash instead of water. Also, do not drink water or eat food for at least half an hour after brushing your teeth.

4. Brush your teeth firmly

Improper brushing can damage your teeth. If you brush your teeth hard, you will destroy the area around them and near your gums it will form a Latin letter V and eventually you will have problems with your gums and teeth.

Most people are tired while brushing and do not pay attention to these areas of the teeth. The best way to brush your teeth is periodically. In fact, instead of moving the toothbrush from side to side, move it in a circular motion over your teeth.

5. mouthwash

Mouthwashes containing alcohol are not suitable for teeth, and long-term use may cause oral cancer. Studies by researchers have shown that excessive use of alcoholic mouthwashes – three times a day – endangers a person’s health.

6. dental floss

Improper use of dental floss is also harmful. When flossing, most people move it back and forth in a saw-like manner, which damages the gums and causes them to recede. You should gently place the floss between your teeth and then clean between your teeth by moving up and down.

7. Brushing too much and at the wrong times

This method of brushing also damages the teeth. You should not brush your teeth immediately after consuming citrus fruits and acidic fruits. When you eat acidic foods or fruits, the tooth enamel becomes a little soft, and brushing your teeth immediately afterwards will wear down the tooth enamel. Therefore, in general, after eating foods with high acidity, wait 30 minutes so that the pH of the oral environment becomes neutral before brushing your teeth. Or you can even use a non-alcoholic mouthwash containing fluoride to neutralize the acid from the food in your mouth.

8. Natural and herbal toothpastes

Some researchers have questioned the safety of the chemical fluoride and believe that people should not be forced to take it and that they should have the right to choose. In some of their studies, researchers have concluded that fluoride actually weakens the bones and connective tissues of the joints. Even a person consuming fluoride may develop dental fluorosis after a while. This condition is caused by severe tooth discoloration due to excess fluoride, which is usually seen in people who have this chemical in their drinking water. For this reason, these days, most people are looking to use natural and fluoride-free toothpastes.

But most of the dentists observed their patients and found that fluoride-free toothpastes cause tooth decay and gum disease after a while.

The problems that fluoride may cause have not yet been fully scientifically confirmed, but we now know that natural toothpaste without fluoride cannot prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

9. Hard toothbrushes

Toothbrushes that have a hard brush have more abrasive power and cause the gums to wear and recede. The best toothbrushes are those with soft bristles.

10. Brushing teeth for 45 seconds

Studies have shown that about 43% of the volunteers participating in the experiment, while brushing their teeth, brush them for only 45 seconds. But this time is not enough and if you want your teeth to be properly cleaned, you should spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth.

In order to have healthy teeth and avoid gum disease, learn the correct ways to brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean.

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