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Is teeth whitening harmless?

Straight and white teeth have long been considered a desirable physical asset. An article published in Sociology of Health & Illness found that having a clean smile can affect our social status, how much we earn, and how successful we are! All in all, there are compelling reasons to whiten your teeth.

There are many methods to remove yellow teeth; such as home kits, in-office treatments and dentist prescription options. It can be hard to tell which ones are safe.

Teeth whitening products are generally very safe to use, but these whitening products need to be used carefully and not overdone.

Peroxides are the most common whitening agents used in teeth whitening products. Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide are among the ingredients of whitening kits. These substances remove the yellow spots on the tooth enamel and break down these spots by penetrating the surface of the tooth enamel. According to research published in dental journals, hydrogen peroxide can remove electrons due to its acidic properties; Therefore, the atoms in the dental stains are broken down and this action causes the teeth to become white.

What are the risks of teeth whitening?

Published studies list several risks associated with using at-home teeth whitening products; Including the softening of the tooth surface, increasing the possibility of decay and destruction of dental restorations.

According to doctors, “the most common risk during teeth whitening is temporary sensitivity.”

Excessive use of peroxides can cause some dental problems; Dehydration and darkening of teeth in the long term are examples of these complications.

*Of course, this is in relation to home products and kits, and not in procedures performed by doctors in the office.

However, some products on the market may contain abrasives or acids that can have damaging effects on teeth.

Using home methods causes side effects; For this reason, it is recommended that people limit the arbitrary use of household products and consult a specialist for teeth whitening.

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