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The effect of genetics on dental health

New studies have been conducted in this field and have shown that the genetic factors of people cannot have an effect on the rate of tooth decay.


New studies have been conducted in this field and have shown that the genetic factors of people cannot have an effect on the rate of tooth decay. However, other research has shown that children whose mothers are obese are more likely to have more tooth decay.

A recently published article shows that 1 in 3 Australian children suffer from tooth decay, and these children develop this problem at the beginning of their school life.

Dr. Silvia also found in this research that the health of mothers and their way of life during pregnancy affects the health of children’s teeth. Also, mothers who are obese during pregnancy are more likely to have tooth decay in their children.

The relationship between maternal obesity and dental caries in children is complex. It is possible that the weight of mothers has a biological effect on the development of the fetus, which can increase the risk of tooth decay in children. And the reason can be the use of more sugar. 32.2% of twin children suffer from dental caries and almost 24.1% of them have advanced caries. Dr. Sylvia believes that tooth decay should not be related to genetic factors. Because if people think that the health of their teeth is related to genetic factors, they will not give less importance to their lifestyle.

The studies of this research have shown that in order to prevent oral and dental diseases in children, we must educate children professionally so that they can prevent the occurrence of some of these diseases. Dr. Silvia states that tooth decay is a serious disease because it has been proven that tooth decay in children increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease in the future.


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